Meet the team...

Inspired by nature, driven to make a difference.

Our team at Uplyfted is dedicated to sustainability, social value and enhancing wellbeing. Our approach revolves around circularity - eliminating waste and maximising resources.

David Catton

Co-founder & Operations Director

David’s established expertise in managing the reuse of modular flooring, makes him a trusted and longstanding partner among flooring Manufacturers.

– our entrepreneurial dynamo.

Agustina Memoli

Co-founder & Commercial Director

Agustina brings a wealth of experience as former Global Innovation Manager for a carpet manufacturer enabling circularity and social value and as an assessor for Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.

– our passionate change maker

Hannah Priddle

Head of Design

Hannah brings over 20 years of design experience within the flooring and textile industry and a passion for creating disruptive design for positive purpose.

– our creative conceptualiser