Our Story

David Catton and Agustina Memoli, both experts in the flooring industry with a shared passion for sustainability and social impact, founded Uplyfted. They met while searching for a sustainable way to reuse carpet tiles while also helping those in social housing.
David’s expertise in managing the end-of-life of carpet tiles had earned him the trust of carpet tile manufacturers seeking solutions to reduce their products’ environmental impact. Agustina had spent years working within a carpet tile manufacturer, where she gained valuable insights into the industry and developed a unique understanding of circularity.
Together, they created Uplyfted, a company committed to sustainability and social impact. Uplyfted’s approach is based on circularity, a system in which waste is eliminated, and resources are kept in use for as long as possible. They provide sustainable and socially responsible solutions for end-of-life carpet tiles, collecting used tiles from commercial projects and refurbishing them for social housing and other community initiatives.

David Catton

Co-Founder & Operations Director

Agustina Memoli

Co-Founder & Commercial Director

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